Resources to Get Started
Videos, tips, tutorials and exclusive training just for you – my awesome client!
Most all clients want to know how much traffic their site is getting, what people are doing on their site, where they’re coming from, etc. Now there are numerous Google Analytics tools, plugins
I put together a quick video that highlights the main areas that clients want to see. Those include Page Views, User Behavior, Audience Location, Site Referrals, etc. I took the most popular questions that my clients wanted to know and addressed them all in a generic tutorial video that they can follow and refer back to.
Posting A Blog
SEO.In the video I cover posting a blog using the WordPress text editor, using a featured image along with some other basic details. The featured image is an important area for clients to understand as some were putting in very vertically long images and not understanding why they were so big. Basic training on posting blogs that a client can refer back to will be very useful for you in not only helping your client, but saving you time.
I’m sure I’m not alone in the fact that most clients automatically think that I’m an expert in SEO.
I utilize SEO YOAST and provide my client the basics on optimizing their posts for organic SEO.
Facebook Ads
I’ve recently experienced more clients asking about marketing strategies to help grow their sites via social media. More specifically, how to create and use Facebook Ads. I’m no expert in digital marketing but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to launch an ad campaign. So I go over the basics for my clients
Though creating an ad will vary with each client on budget, industry, reach, etc – the general practices and strategies are similar
Moving Forward
Incase I have any clients who didn’t take the time to review my “Moving Forward” page which is covered in Part 3 of this series, I give them the option here. This is a
Building A Successful Web Presence
Lastly, I currently give them a link to a video that’s based off a presentation I did about building a successful web presence. This is all basic, general information that again can be used by clients at any size and in any industry.
So, what resources do you think your clients could benefit from after their site goes live? I’d encourage you to give them a resource page that they can refer back to which will not only help them, but will do wonders for you.